Save your Kindle Notes with

Welcome to our very first blog post! In this blog we aim to share with you news on updates to this website and everything and anything to do with the Kindle.

So what exactly is the point of the website you may wonder?

Well, if you are familiar at all with the annotation functions on your kindle, you will already know that you can bookmark, highlight and produce notes on the book you are reading. These annotations will get saved in a text file called 'My Clippings.txt' under the documents folder. Whilst the 'My Clippings.txt' file is extremely useful, the document itself is not easily readable. attempts to solve this problem by exporting your clippings into Microsoft Word, Excel and Adobe PDF files. We also allow you to choose which columns you would like to export and provide filtering and sorting functionality. This provides you the opportunity to organize your clippings into a manner that suits your specific needs.

Who can benefit from this?

Anyone with a Kindle! Our users come from all walks of life; from those who just like to make clippings from their favorite books, to students who use to organize their study notes,to writers and editors who use Kindle clippings to aid their writing.

We welcome any website feedback and look forward to hearing from our users and learning new ways in which to improve our website and tailor it specifically to your needs, or just send us a hello!

The team